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Dynamic Shear Rheometer

The Kinexus Prime DSR is a dynamic shear rheometer for research and development requirements in the Asphalt industry, with true ‘plug and play’ functionality for all measuring systems and environmental control units. The Kinexus DSR+ enables pioneering Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) based testing while offering access to a full range of standard rheological tests with total flexibility of test design and set-up.

> Proven excellent in Asphalt and Bitumen Testing
> Grade testing to industry standards such as AASHTO, and EN specifications
> Full characterization of rheological behavior with Master Curves
> Formulation development and quality control metrics
> Determination of mixing and compaction temperatures
> Blend testing of warm mix, crumb rubber and Recycled Asphalt Paving (RAP)
> Pioneering Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) with a built-in library of standard test protocols for the asphalt industry

AASHTO T315, AASHTO T316, AASHTO T350, AASHTO TP70, AASHTO TP101, AASHTO TP123, AASHTO TP126, AASHTO M320, AASHTO M332, D6373, D7175, D7405, D7552, D8198, D4402 (compliant up to 200°C), EN13302, EN13307, EN14770, EN16659, FGSV 720, FGSV 721, FGSV 722, FGSV 723, ГОСТ 33137-2014, ГОСТ Р 58400.7-2019, ГОСТ Р 58400.10-2019, ГОСТ Р 58400.6-2019, ГОСТ Р 58400.9-2019
Kinexus Prime DSR

> Proven excellent in Asphalt and Bitumen Testing
> Grade testing to industry standards such as AASHTO, and EN specifications
> Full characterization of rheological behavior with Master Curves
> Formulation development and quality control metrics
> Determination of mixing and compaction temperatures
> Blend testing of warm mix, crumb rubber and Recycled Asphalt Paving (RAP)
> Pioneering Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) with a built-in library of standard test protocols for the asphalt industry

AASHTO T315, AASHTO T316, AASHTO T350, AASHTO TP70, AASHTO TP101, AASHTO TP123, AASHTO TP126, AASHTO M320, AASHTO M332, D6373, D7175, D7405, D7552, D8198, D4402 (compliant up to 200°C), EN13302, EN13307, EN14770, EN16659, FGSV 720, FGSV 721, FGSV 722, FGSV 723, ГОСТ 33137-2014, ГОСТ Р 58400.7-2019, ГОСТ Р 58400.10-2019, ГОСТ Р 58400.6-2019, ГОСТ Р 58400.9-2019
Kinexus Prime DSR
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